Adaptive performance solutions for a digital era workforce

Peak Pacific is a technology-enabled, learning services company. Since 2008 our teams in different sectors have combined domain knowledge with a consultative approach to build innovative solutions to address a range of training and performance problems. We have been fortunate to have delivered some of those solutions to clients in the Automotive industry. 

Technical platform solutions to address performance issues have been among our most successful offerings to the Automotive industry. Our portfolio for this sector also includes maintenance services, development services for building Interactive Instructor-led Training materials and bespoke digital content development including eLearning.

Our Experience

Digital Content

Bespoke Content

Training Management System

Performance Apps

Digital Content

The automotive industry is going through rapid transformation due to a paradigm shift in global consumer behaviour on account of environmental concerns, the rapid rise of shared mobility services, and evolving consumer preferences for customized vehicles. As a result, there is a critical shift to reskilling and skill enhancement. 

Companies in the automotive industry have built a huge repository of training content that were key to the acquisition and maintenance of skills that may no longer be performed by workforce due to the emergence of robotic resources, and automation of processes and tasks.

The changes have raised pertinent questions for the role and approach of training solutions:

  • Is the repository of content now redundant?
  • Is there a need to maintain legacy content?
  • What kind of new content should be developed?
  • What should be the shelf-life of new content?

Peak Pacific consultants have relevant experience in addressing such questions along with established methodology and processes to evaluate training content and formulate content repurposing plans.

Bespoke Content

The emergence of new business models, new product lines and flexible ways of working has led to the emergence of new skills and competencies for the industry.

According to industry reports, relevant emerging core future skills for the automotive industry include:

  • Management Skills
  • Self-Efficacy, Collaboration, and Ethics
  • Digital Skills

Meanwhile, there has been an extra-ordinary transformation in the digital learning content landscape as well. New tools have emerged, while existing tools have expanded their functionality portfolio to an extent that it is more efficient and cost-effective for subject matter experts to design and develop much of the content themselves.

What role should content development vendors play in such an evolving corporate environment? Peak Pacific has over 15 years of experience answering such questions. Which is why we have long established mature and flexible service models in our content development business line. Based on our evaluation, we advise our clients to opt for the model that is the most cost and time efficient, given the rapid change in tools, technology and learner expectations.

Some of our offerings to clients for bespoke services include:

  • Content Development Roadmap Strategy
  • Content Development Training
  • Content Development Services
  • Content Development Augmentation
  • Content Localization

Peak Pacific management and learning consultants have over two decades of collective experience in designing process simulations, infomercials, sales training applications and game-based dealership sales training content for automotive industry clients.

Training Management Systems

Irrespective of the emergence of new tools, processes, and methodologies, one constant in the training space is the need for systems that manage, record and track data related to employee training.

Training Systems include:

  • Training Management System
  • Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Performance Management System
  • Talent Management System
  • Digital Training Records
  • Performance Monitoring Data Systems

How are these systems different from each other? Which of these should be central to an organisation’s training management approach? Are these legacy systems or are they built for the digital age? 

Peak Pacific has over 16 years of domain expertise in consulting, building, implementing, and managing such systems. Peak Pacific continues to invest and develop new platforms to meet such future required. The ALTO suite, our latest platform of software modules includes; Digital Training Records, Training Management, on-the-job Grading System, Scheduling and Planning, among others. 

To ensure we can bring the best products into our technology and services eco-system, Peak Pacific also partners with leading edge technology platform companies that can work in a seamless way for end users. We are a global authorised reseller for the PeopleFluent suite of products that includes Talent Management, Learning and Examinations, as well as being a partner with Immerse Learning for VR platforms.

Performance Apps

The automotive industry has a unique business environment that often requires a unique solution to address the performance requirements of a segment of the industry. This is possible due to confluence of domain knowledge, digital expertise, and subject matter expertise.  

In the past decade, Peak Pacific has built different web application systems.

This includes :

  • a customer-Connect application for the commercial vehicles business segment.
  • a cloud-based responsive web system with a modular architecture that enabled automotive dealers to automate the process of managing service plans through role-based access.

Peak Pacific consultants are adept at collaborating with industry domain experts to craft solutions that leverage AR/VR, 3D and web technologies to address on-field training and performance support.

Case Studies

The following case studies are an example of our teams experience over the past decade where we can not only develop learning solutions but able to understand complex problems to solve using technology or developing custom platforms to meet the clients long term needs.

World’s leading automotive manufacturer.

Leading automotive parts distribution centre.